These insoles are designed specifically for those occasions when you will be subjecting your feet to high impact activity. Be it hiking up a mountainside, protecting your toes at a construction site, or just throwing around hay bales. The last thing you need when you have a full day's work ahead of you is to worry about your feet.
Multiple layers are combined to create this specialized boot insole. The top layer is made of high-tech fibers ideal for providing all day support. An interior carbon layer helps wick away sweat, keeping the foot dry and comfortable in the tightly enclosed inner boot. The bottom layer is a rigid molded half insole with inset heel cushion.
Worker inserts are sized for larger feet, starting at women's US 8 / EU 38 to US 12 / 42, and men's US 6 / EU 39 to US 15 / EU 48. Choose the size that best corresponds to your own shoe size. If you normally wear a half size, choose the next full size up and trim the front to fit. Be careful to not trim the insole too short, or else it will slide around in your boot. Leave it too big, and it will bunch up and crowd your foot.
Get real foot support with pedag Worker, anatomically shaped insoles designed for construction boots, hiking boots, and even the fanciest stacked heeled cowboy and western boots. Many styles of heavy footwear meant to be worn all day are designed without proper support. Worker insoles cushion the whole foot from toe to heel, keeping bones positioned correctly and lessening the effects of impact shock.
The arch supports maintain proper foot positioning to avoid splayfoot and fallen arches. Cushioning in the heel reduces the impact on ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. Prolonged use can lead to debilitating effects, potentially causing early retirement or abandonment of beloved outdoor activities.
Pedag Worker Heavy Boot Insoles - Made in Germany for Men (US 11/EU 44) - Supports Heel to Toe, Longitudinal and Metatarsal Arches
These insoles are designed specifically for those occasions when you will be subjecting your feet to high impact activity. Be it hiking up a mountainside, protecting your toes at a construction site, or just throwing around hay bales. The last thing you need when you have a full day's work ahead of you is to worry about your feet.
Multiple layers are combined to create this specialized boot insole. The top layer is made of high-tech fibers ideal for providing all day support. An interior carbon layer helps wick away sweat, keeping the foot dry and comfortable in the tightly enclosed inner boot. The bottom layer is a rigid molded half insole with inset heel cushion.
Worker inserts are sized for larger feet, starting at women's US 8 / EU 38 to US 12 / 42, and men's US 6 / EU 39 to US 15 / EU 48. Choose the size that best corresponds to your own shoe size. If you normally wear a half size, choose the next full size up and trim the front to fit. Be careful to not trim the insole too short, or else it will slide around in your boot. Leave it too big, and it will bunch up and crowd your foot.
Get real foot support with pedag Worker, anatomically shaped insoles designed for construction boots, hiking boots, and even the fanciest stacked heeled cowboy and western boots. Many styles of heavy footwear meant to be worn all day are designed without proper support. Worker insoles cushion the whole foot from toe to heel, keeping bones positioned correctly and lessening the effects of impact shock.
The arch supports maintain proper foot positioning to avoid splayfoot and fallen arches. Cushioning in the heel reduces the impact on ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. Prolonged use can lead to debilitating effects, potentially causing early retirement or abandonment of beloved outdoor activities.